The 5 Effective Components for any Successful Application

It is literally the age of the machines; we live in an environment surrounded by all forms of devices – right from our alarms in the morning to the mobile devices used throughout the day. The interaction between humans and machines have increased manifold and the result can be gauged from the extensive number users of Internet-powered mobile devices. When earlier it was considered a unique venture, it is no longer valid to be termed so! A website has become the bare minimum requirement for any enterprise that wants to improve their client-customer interaction.

The websites have now diverged into three distinct versions – native, hybrid or web – each of which is designed to enhance performance in the designated hardware device. But, irrespective of the platform or device for which an application is being developed, it needs to implement the following five components in its architecture:

  • Usability:
The application being built must add features and functionalities that would enhance the usability of the application, rather than hampering its performance. A discussion involving both the design and development teams along with the clients can be initiated to demarcate the essential requirements.
  • UI/ UX:
Statistics suggest that poor interface designs account for 58% of application failures. It becomes a given for a web development California company to design an engaging and well as interactive user interface with the use of dynamic components. The Android app developers can also rely on the built-in sensors or graphic elements of the mobile to device to further improve layouts.
  • Content:
Today's applications are rich in content that effectively project the purpose of not only the application, but also their intended usage. A web development California company can take care of this aspect of app development by designing layouts that precisely depict the related information to users.
  • Navigation Menu/ Bar:
The navigation bar or menu on the application should always remain a constant throughout all inter-connected pages. Its alignment should not keep on changing on as a user traverses from one page to another as this approach can easily confuse the visitors on the page.
  • Call-to-Action buttons:
The call-to-actions buttons on applications should be designed and aligned such that they are easy to track by the user. Visibility is a key element in attracting the attention of users towards these action buttons.
These above mentioned points are critical to the basic design of any type of application. The web development company can assist their clients in developing high-end applications for the web, which can be optimized for a standard viewing experience across all devices. If an enterprise would prefer getting a native app developed for the Android operating system, they can partner with Android app developers for the same. The Android app developers not only possess the requisite skills, but are also armed with the knowledge about latest trends and user behaviors in the mobile market. And in case, the clients would rather have a hybrid application that would utilize in-built phone features, the web development California company can be enlisted for their services.

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